Patricia Cronin : All Is Not Lost
essays by helen molesworth and alexander nemerov
introduction by charles lovell

newcomb art gallery, tulane university, new orleans, 2012

Featuring two major series of work from 2000 to 2009: Memorial to a Marriage and Harriet Hosmer: Lost and Found, the exhibition will unite Cronin’s work as it intersects ideas of memory, the recovery and writing of women’s history and contemporary discourses about gay and lesbian representation. A catalogue will accompany the exhibition with essays by Helen Molesworth, Chief Curator of the ICA Boston, and Alexander Nemerov, Professor of Art History at Stanford University. This exhibition is supported by a grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation.  

100 color reproductions, 72 pp.
ISBN 13: 978-0-9668595-1-5

Available at